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Late Fall Lawn Care

Late Fall Lawn Care

The fall is a busy time for gardeners. Not only are you trying to clean up your gardens and flower beds to prepare them for the winter, you are also winterizing your garden so that you can hit the ground running in the spring. Often, we forget that our lawn requires the same amount of love and care...

Renting Trimmers and Edgers

Renting Trimmers and Edgers

Nothing beats getting outside and cutting your own grass. I think most people would agree that there’s just something enjoyable about creating fresh trails of cut grass and watching your shoes turn green. If you feel this way, then take a dive and keep reading. People put a lot of time and effort...

Spring Lawn Care Tips

Spring Lawn Care Tips

Warmer days means more time outdoors. It also means everything outdoors begins to grow and thrive after being dormant all winter. As a homeowner, one of the most important aspects of your home is the lawn that surrounds it. Growing up, a flourishing lawn was a symbol of pride and prosperity that...

 Install Ceramic Wall Tile

Install Ceramic Wall Tile

Ceramic tiling looks great behind stoves, framing sinks, surrounding bathtubs and lining shower walls. It's a great decorative accent that is also durable, easy to clean and very practical for surfaces the are exposed to water. There is an array of different tiles available for specific needs so...

Winter Party Ideas

Winter Party Ideas

Just because its winter doesn’t mean you can’t throw an awesome birthday party! Sure, you may have to get a bit more creative for throwing an at home party… but if you’re up for the challenge then we are here to help! Whether you are planning for a child, tween, teen, or adult check out the list...

Starting a New Lawn

Starting a New Lawn

Sometimes, through acts of nature or maybe too much fertilizing, it's necessary to start a totally new lawn or to completely rebuild large areas of an existing lawn. In these cases here's what you'll need to do.Tools & Materials you'll need: Rotary tiller Rake Seed Seed spreader Watering hose and...

Planning the Perfect Buffet

Planning the Perfect Buffet

Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and other special occasions bring family and friends together in celebration. Yet it is easy to forget that weeks and months of preparation and planning goes into just one day of feasting on delicious delicacies, succulent bite-size entrees and fun...

Four leaf blowing tips

Four leaf blowing tips

Leaf blowing can be an excellent alternative to trying to rake or sweep up leaves. Based on the amount of raking you need to do, renting or owning a leaf blower could be an option that you may want to consider. If you do decide to get one, or you already have it, here are four tips for its use:Dry...